Mrs Kim Walker

International & Homestay Co-Ordinator

Mrs Walker is the first port of call for International student’s enquiries and enrolments.

Mrs Walker Liaises with Agents, Parents and schools to provide necessary documentation such as  enrolment information, provides Offer of Placement, works along side the College’s Bursar to action invoices and assist with VISA’s and Insurance if necessary.

Mrs Walker Seeks out, assesses and monitors (via regular Police Vetting and Homestay visits) Homestay families and guides them as per The Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016.

Mrs Walker Manages the day to day care of our International Students.

Available on call 24/7.

Mrs Robyn Southward

International Dean & ESOL Teacher

Mrs Southward Oversees the International programme at Central Hawke’s Bay College.

Mrs Southward supports the International Co-ordinator with Pastoral Care of the students, any issues arising in the Homestay situations, organises the student timetables and has an Open Door policy for guidance for any issues arising at College.

As the teacher of ESOL her focus is on students gaining fluency and confidence in using spoken English.